The article considers the phenomenon of the mobilization model of the economy of the Soviet Union in the interwar period through the concepts of technological zones by Oleg Grigoriev and the pendulum model of management by Alexander Prokhorov. These concepts allow us to analyze the structural features of the Soviet technological zone and its differences from the technological zones of capitalist economies. It is also shown that the domestic technological zone could be formed only in mobilization conditions, when the state management system was formed, ensuring a high level of resource mobilization and their redistribution to special strategic areas of development. The emergency management system creates a mobilization type of economy, which is characterized by: the identification of priority economic units (from economic sectors to enterprises) of strategic importance; centralized management, long-term planning; concentration of investment capital in the production sector; and broad state participation in the economic sphere. A striking historical precedent for an effective mobilization economy is the Stalinist economic model, thanks to which the Soviet Union won an economic victory over Germany at the end of 1942. The selected priorities of the Soviet economy of the Stalinist period are still relevant today: the military-industrial complex; the fuel and energy complex; the agro-industrial complex; the transport system; and the education system. Thanks to the development of these priority socio-economic spheres of the Soviet period, the Russian Federation has a significant and unique scientific and technological, production and personnel base. In the USSR after the Second World War, an innovative model of state development was implemented, which relies on the production of new knowledge.
technological zone, mobilization model, division of labor, competition of administrators, territorial production complexes
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