
  • Anastasiia Matiusova Московский государственный университет имени М.В.Ломоносова
  • Alena Danilova Lomonosov Moscow State University




The purpose of the article was to find an answer to the question of how governors of the “new generation” meet the needs of the federal center and the population, and whether they are effective managers. The authors conducted a political and psychological study to answer this question using the following methods: analysis of secondary data from analytical centers, interviews with experts, in-depth interviews with the population, case-study and semantic differential. In the course of the study, the authors revealed the similarity of a number of expectations from both the authorities and the population: both sides want to see a new, promising, open politician who can independently solve managerial and economic issues in the region, etc. However, there were also differences in the goals and objectives set by the federal Center when appointing interim heads of the region or after elections,which to some extent contradicts the demands of society. In addition, the project "Young Technocrats" created for "novice" governors does not hold up to its name because the average age of "novice" governors has increased significantly, and the previously assumed universal concept of governing any territory, regardless of its membership has not been completely effective. At the same time, the political and psychological criteria highlighted in the article are one of the factors that influence the active renewal of the governor's corps which is both a trend and an answer to the problems of the governor's corps.


governor, head of the region, selection criteria, political and psychological characteristics of individuals, the governor of the new wave, the governor-novice


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