
  • Alexander Chanyshev Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) Ministry of International Affairs of Russia



It generally features the logic of socialism as concerns the need to change the form of ownership and describes the historical situation at the beginning of the 20th century, where the Bolshevik leadership viewed socialisation as a pressing task of the post-October political practice. At the same time, the situation predetermined the radical approach to ownership in Russia. The fact that such attitude to ownership was ‘a historical mistake’ is questioned as it contradicts the effectiveness of implementing socialism in the USSR. The objective is put to define the positive motivational code triggered by socialisation and socialist reforms in general. For this purpose, the key milestones of the genesis of the institute of ownership, the essence of which form the semantics of the respective notion, are presented, and a series of historical theoretical ownership concepts are considered. The attempt is made to specify the notion of property. The conclusion is that the notion of property is broader than that of private property because, in particular, the initial, original meaning of ‘one’s own’ (something not owned by a person, but, on the contrary, possessing a person) goes beyond physical and legal ownership. This very deep concept of ‘ one’s own ’ seems to have been the motivational code and the semantic rationale for legitimation of property socialisation in the framework of social revolution triggered by the October Revolution of 1917.


property, ownership, private property, property socialisation, Western law tradition, market economy, public control of the economic system


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100th Anniversary of the Russian Revolution