
  • Svetlana Smal The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia



The article analyses the technology of theoretical construction and practical implementation of emotionally-substituted perception of reality, which can be called dominant in the world and Russian media. The starting point of a fundamental change in the information field is 2014. The values postulated in the speeches of politicians, and the mass media were very different in the countries of developed democracy and the rest of the world until 2014. The article offers an analytical understanding of the three conventional periods of development of information carriers, in accordance with the management and technological methods used in different eras. Technologies of formation of “post-truth” are analysed, the essential elements inherent in the selected techniques are highlighted, as well as the features leading to the observed distortion of perception of reality displayed by the media. As the brightest reception of the scientific-oriented propaganda work is given a large (206 pages of text) analytical report of the Senate Committee on foreign relations of the United States, presented to the public on January 10, 2018. This report forms a multi-vector perception of the truth, extremely distorting reality. We postulate, in conclusion, that modernity is characterised by a multivariate and multidirectional perception of reality created by information technologies of “instant response” and maintaining


post-truth, propaganda, information technologies, methods of formation of emotionally-substituted perception of reality, USA, countries of developed democracy, Russia


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