In the article the author analyzes the circumstances influencing the change in the form of war in the modern world, determines the features of the “old wars”: transition to military service, mobilization, militarization of the economy, tax growth, destabilization of the political system, social-psychological crisis in society, political interests, priority cultural unity, the cultivation of allogeneity, aggression and hatred of other cultures. The author describes the wars of a “new kind” also known as “hybrid wars”. The main differences of that kind of wars are the declaration of war absence, a purposeful course of international laws ignorance which consisting in the official warning by one state of another about the termination of the peace between them and the transition to a state of war. Equally, important features can be named as a combination of violent and non-violent means of warfare, in other words, usage of different kinds of weapons, as well as information war and propaganda. The author considers the phenomenon of information wars: the emergence of the term in the United States and the problem of its ambiguity (“information warfare”), сarry out a review of researches on information warfare, which was divided into blocks in its chronological order of invention of foreign scientists and military-grade. The first block (the early 1990’s) - the work of scientists at the Air University of the United States Air Force: R. Shafransky, J. Stein; the second block (the late 1990s) - studies by RAND Corporation: J. Arquilla, D. Ronfeldt, M. Libika; the third (the 2000s) - the monographs of JS Nye, M. Keldor, as well as an analysis of the system of “information dictatorship” of China.
information war, information warfare, a new war, old war, hybrid wars, information technologies, soft power, violent actions, non-military confrontation
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Szafranski R. Theory of Information Warfare. Preparing For 2020, USAF. Published Airpower Jour- nal, 1995. Spring. Available at: (accessed: 10.02.2018).
The Random House Dictionary of the English Language. Ed. by S.B.Flexner. 2nd ed. New York, Random House, 1987, 2478 р.
Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary. US.: Merriam Webster, 1976, 1565 p.
Wein T., Berg G. Submission of evidence by the behavioral dynamics institute. Available at: (acces- sed: 13.01.2018).
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