Global political management factors: new opportunities and new risks




In the new millennium, humanity is confronted with global changes that have radically changed the world and have a growing influence on the domestic and foreign policies of states. The struggle for global hegemony between the United States and leading China, the rivalry of national states with transnational corporations and global financial centers for resources in conditions of the limit of anthropogenic pressure on nature, undermine state sovereignty and question the advantages of the consumer society model that is a role model now. Based on the urge to unlimited growth in the consumption of material goods, the model of consumer society in the West leads mankind to an ecological catastrophe. An alternative could be a development model based on stimulating consumption of not material, but spiritual values. The advantages of this model, perhaps, will demonstrate the countries of the East. Another group of global factors challenges the reproduction of national cultures, the preservation of national state identity, and the functioning of established models of democracy in Western countries The problem of social inheritance of behavioral patterns embedded in the culture, triggered by accelerated rates of historical development, migration processes, global communication, together with the growing deficit of state sovereignty, calls into question the possibility of political governance in the conditions of the people as a source of power on the basis of the institute of representative democracy. It is concluded that the solution of these problems is possible only if the priorities of political management are shifted from the material sphere to the sphere of spiritual consumption; orientation, primarily on the areas of socialization, education and culture.


global factors, political governance, world hegemony cycle, transnational corporations, world financial centers, anthropogenic pressure, culture, information society, representative democracy


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How to Cite

Shabrov, O. (2019). Global political management factors: new opportunities and new risks. Political Expertise: POLITEX, 15(2), 236–244.



Modern Political Processes and Technologies