“Industrialization of Power”: Russian Political Transit in Socio-Technological Dimension


  • Andrei Dakhin Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Management, Branch of RANEPA




Industrialization of state power is described as a global trend marked by “documentalization” and “governmentalization”. Russia’s political transit is discussed as a process of implementing industrial technologies into the state system’s activity. In accordance with L. Mumford’s ideas, the political system is described in terms of industrial “megamachine” which generates flows of disciplinary orders. They cover all fields of activity of state power and interactions between the state and the civil society. An analysis Russia state power’s practices of industrialization provides for critical rethinking of popular conceptual approaches and identifying the field of public policy as a space where three social technologies of political interactions between the state and the citizens are implemented. In the light of this approach Russia’s democracy transit is viewed as the consecutive implementation into the public policy, first, of technology of representative democracy (in the 1990s), then of technology of deliberation democracy (since 2012), and of technology of participatory democracy (since 2018). It allows to highlight various aspects of these implementation processes, including some risks with objectionable contradictions between these different technologies, and it was important to emphasize the efforts towards harmonization. Putting cyber-informational technologies into practice in the state administrative policy leads towards industrialization of velocity, capacity and structure for gathering data. The gap between elementary labour operations of ordinary officials and regimes of optimal use of cyber-informational systems of the state bureaucracy is also noted. In conclusion, the author focuses on the area of state and municipal services, where the trend of industrialization of documents elaboration is in progress.


Russia, industrialization of state power, megamachine, technologies of public policy, technologies of state administration, technologies of state and municipal services making


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Author Biography

Andrei Dakhin, Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Management, Branch of RANEPA

д-р филос. наук, проф.


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How to Cite

Dakhin, A. (2020). “Industrialization of Power”: Russian Political Transit in Socio-Technological Dimension. Political Expertise: POLITEX, 15(4), 460–482. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu23.2019.402



Political institutions, processes and technologies