St. Petersburg scientific school of the theory of public gouvernance and policy
on the 25th anniversary of the Department Political Governance of St. Petersburg State University
2020 marks the 25th anniversary of the Department of Political Governance of St. Petersburg State University. During the existence of the department, the scientific activity of its employees and graduate students led to the formation of the St. Petersburg scientific school of the theory of public governance and policy. The article describes the main thematic and theoretical issues that are in the field of research interests of the school’s participants. A number of challenges that public policy and governance face in the context of growing diversity, mobility and uncertainty of social development are noted. The role of historical traditions in studying public administration at St. Petersburg University is emphasized. The main ideas, notions and concepts developed by the school’s participants are revealed: the concept of a coordinating state, the development of the theory of administrative and political networks, the principle of cooperation, a cognitive approach to public administration, the theory of public governability and the formation of institutional for- mats of digital governance. It is highlighted that the development of governance research was based on the formation of scientific cooperation networks and financial support from a number of national foundations.
scientific school, research traditions, coordination, coordinating state, administrative and political networks, collaboration, public governability, institutional formats
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Sherstobitov A. S. Network analysis of public policy (on the example of the telecommunications sector in Russia): dis. … kand. polit. nauk: 23.00.02. St. Petersburg, 2010. 133 p. (In Russian)
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Smorgunov L. V. Blockchain as an institution of procedural justice. Politicheskie issledovaniia. Polis. 2018, no. 5, P. 88-99. (In Russian)
Smorgunov L. V. Complexity in politics: some methodological directions of research. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Seriia 6: Filosofiia. Kul'turologiia. Politologiia. Pravo. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia. 2012. no. 4. P. 90-101. (In Russian)
Smorgunov L. V. In search of governability: Concepts and transformation of public administration in the XXI century. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg University Press, 2012. 362 p. (In Russian)
Smorgunov L. V. Institutionalization of governability and the problem of veillance in the space of digital communications. Iuzhno-rossiiskii zhurnal sotsial'nykh nauk. 2019. T. 20. no. 3. P. 62-75. (In Russian)
Smorgunov L. V. Knowledge and public administration: from the approval of the norm to the judgment. Politicheskaia nauka. 2016, no. 2, P. 181-197. (In Russian)
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Smorgunov L. V., Sherstobitov A. S. Political networks: Theory and methods of analysis: textbook. Moscow, Aspekt-Press, 2014. 320 p. (In Russian)
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