
  • Nikolai Grishin Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет




The article presents a study of policies of modern states regarding the institution of international election observation. The study is based on the application of constructivism and realism as the main theories of international relations to explain the actions of national governments in this area. The features of the institution of international election observation in the context of its compliance with the principle of state sovereignty are revealed. Despite the declaration of respect for state sovereignty, the practice of international election observation significantly limits state policy in the field of elections and practically defies national governments’ attempts to regulate it. The paradox and complexity of the current situation lies in the fact that national governments change their policies due to the influence of international observers, but governments cannot find a means to shape the international observation. The institution of international election observation not only eliminates the Westphalian understanding of state sovereignty, but also creates new forms of international accountability of national governments. Within the framework of constructivism, international observation is seen as an institution that promotes democratization and supports progressive trends within the country through the assistance of the international community. The theory of realism acts as the ideological basis for national governments seeking to limit the activities of observers. Within the framework of realism, international observers are viewed as representatives of foreign states that pose a threat to national interests. The article identifies and describes the main models and methods of policies of governments seeking to limit and control international observation. Short historical experience is also a factor that makes it difficult for national governments to choose effective means towards international observation.


election observation, international organizations, observers, electoral governance, constructivism


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How to Cite

Grishin, N. (2021). POLICIES OF STATES TOWARDS INTERNATIONAL ELECTION OBSERVATION. Political Expertise: POLITEX, 17(2), 150–162. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu23.2021.203



Political institutions, processes and technologies