
  • Sergey Potseluev Southern Federal University



The article is devoted to the methodology of the analysis of national mobilization, in particular, those cases that are not inspired mainly by nationalist ideas. Based on the critical analysis of various positions of historians and political scientists, the author seeks to justify the need for a distinction between national and nationalist mobilization. The basis of this difference is the understanding of nationalism as a political ideology, which can act as a tool for national mobilization in a pure or hybridized form. However, according to the author, for the success of national mobilization is important not only the conceptual content of ideologies but also the nature of the communicative means (press, “agitprop”, etc.) and the method of communication (condensed and dialogically oriented symbolic communication). The article emphasizes that such communication can be guided by different ideas, including Christian and even Communist. On the example of social mobilization during the German reformation, as well as the Soviet, Yugoslav and Chinese socialisms, the author shows how even the internationalist by birth ideologies can serve as a tool for nationbuilding. In this connection, the author, based on the existing experience of scientific research of the national-Communist mobilization (Ch. Johnson, D. Brandenberger, M. Barnes), criticized the concept of “bureaucratic nationalism” proposed by M. Djilas. The mobilization potential of the nationalist and any other ideology is realized not only due to its own concepts and conceptual hybrids but also because of its compliance with the general specifics of mass social mobilization. Being a form of such mobilization, national mobilization is not only propaganda and, moreover, only nationalist propaganda, but a way to form and maintain national community through the restructuring of existing social identities in the context of symbolically concentrated and dialogically oriented communication. In this sense, one can speak of the symbolic policy of national mobilization.


national mobilization, nationalism, condensed symbolic communication, germanreformation, national bolshevism, national communism, bureaucratic nationalism, socialist Yugoslavia, maoist China


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Ethnopolitical processes