The article deals with an essential problem of ideological identity of the modern Russia youth and the assessment of the correlation of modernist and postmodernist constructs in their worldview. The youth determines the tendencies of any society’s development. This is especially clear in the present times, called “post-postmodern” by many authors, when the youth creates a kind of parallel-existing space in the format of innovation space and predestinates the future instead of forcing their point of view. Thus, the degree of dynamism of Russia and the future directions of its policy depends on the values and attitudes of Russian youth who grew up in the postmodern era, in the context of post-Soviet transformations. The results of an empirical study conducted in the Altai Territory and Novosibirsk are presented. The binary principle of selection of territories for analysis was based on the principle of maximum differences. As the survey has shown, the majority of young people define their ideology as mixed or cannot identify their views. The values of reformism and the interests of the individual are most common among young people and girls from both regions. The authors conclude that there are differences in the value picture of the world between the youth of the Altai Territory and Novosibirsk (in the Altai Territory, the request for justice is included in all types of ideological identification, in Novosibirsk this concerns the striving for personal success), which are dictated by the social and economic situation of the regions, and not a feature of the information age. Special attention is given to the factors influencing the formation of ideological attitudes, in particular, the level of education. Its role in structuring the ideological identity of youth has been proven.
political consciousness, youth, political identity, values, West Siberian regions
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