
  • Viktor Kovalev Syktyvkar State Pitirim Sorokin University



The article deals with the analysis of comparison of social and other costs in the course of attempts to implement a federal project in the Russian Federation in the 1990s and the consequences of the rejection of political methods in favor of in favor of political and administrative ones after 2000. The theories of rational choice in relation to federalism (W. Riker) and neo-institutionalism - a comparison of the “open access” and “natural state” of D. North and his colleagues have methodologically been applied. From the author’s point of view, the difficulties of building Federal relations in the post-Soviet period contributed to the rejection of their practical implementation, but “the medicine was worse than the disease”. Federalism and the return to it seem necessary for such a complex and multi-constituent country as the Russian Federation, but taking into account the mistakes made in the past and present. An attempt to compare the state of Russian federalism in the 1990s and the current situation in relations between the federal center and the regions of Russia has been made. The comparison is made on such parameters of regional political regimes as social and cultural diversity, the state of interethnic relations, regional elections, parties in the regions, elites, governors and legitimacy of power, local government, business, crime, freedom of speech, the state of discussions in regional political science. As a result, based on the analysis of a large amount of data, it is concluded that the policy of the “power vertical” has generated a number of intractable contradictions. Attempts to control a huge country from a single center, making universal decisions without taking into account very different regional interests, lead in politics to “equalization on average”, and in the economy - to the conservation of the subsidies of the overwhelming majority of regions.


governors, costs of federalism, rent, corruption, natural state, open access, rational choice, neo-institutionalism


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Political Institutions and processes