
  • Alexander Kerimov Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin
  • Tatiana Verbitskaya Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin



The article is devoted to the study of the features of the formation of parliamentarism in Ukraine since the birth of the Ukrainian statehood (since 1991) to the present, in the context of the events taking place in the state. The article analyzes the importance of Ukrainian parliamentarism for the political system of the state in terms of explaining the fact that Ukrainian parliamentarism has not become an effective means of countering the color revolutions in Ukraine. Based on the study of the experience of parliamentarism in Ukraine, the conclusion is made about how parliamentarism should function in the state in order to effectively prevent color revolutions. Methodologically, this article is based on the theoretical developments of both foreign and Russian researchers. The problems of formation and development are widely covered in the works of both foreign and Russian researchers. The disclosure of the phenomenon as a whole and its separate aspects are devoted to the works of Russian and foreign scientists. The panorama of views in assessing the parliamentarism of these researchers covers a wide range - from the idealization of parliamentarism to emphasizing the insignificance of its impact on the processes of public administration, but at the same time, all researchers are generally United in understanding the essence of parliamentarism, considering it as a whole system within which the interaction of various institutions, social structures, based primarily on the political culture of society.


Verkhovna rada, parlamentarism, political system, statehood, color revolution, party building, legitimacy


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Political Institutions and processes