Digitalization of politics and biopolitics: The problem of coherence


  • Anastasya Kuznetsova Lomonosov Moscow State University



Within the framework of this article, a consistent analysis of the main characteristics of modern biopolitical knowledge was made (general rationalization and transition from the individual level of control to the level of population’s control, and consequently, the development of the data policy strategy; the transition from biopower to the strategy of neuropower, the development of the biopolitics of emotions, etc.). Accordingly basic principles of the traditional bipolitical approach shift to inductive, i.e. hidden, control over human mind and behavior. Some basic trends in the digitalization of politics are also discussed in the article (the emergence of a dilemma between transparency and total control, control as a manipulation over the interpretation of events, the development of management mechanisms through the use and transformation of the daily canons, etc.). The development and implementation of modern digital technologies affects the psychology of individuals and transforms it through the modification of perception. The development of technologies to manage individuals' perceptions and needs is also an important trend in the digitalization of politics. In addition, specific principles of these two areas of political science researches’ implementation in the organization of urban space are explored (creation of a mentally supporting physical environment, the use of the so-called "Square of Nine" in urban architectural design, etc.). Urban architecture and space design can have both a positive impact on human psychology and emotions (promoting the release of neurochemicals responsible for happiness) and a negative one (provoking sensory deprivation that causes stress). The purpose of this article is to form a scientific understanding of various strategies of conduct, in particular neuropower and data politics, as well as specific ways to implement these strategies in the context of population management (for example, through the organization of planning and construction of urban architecture).


biopolitics, digitalization, biopoliticsdata-politics


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How to Cite

Kuznetsova, A. (2022). Digitalization of politics and biopolitics: The problem of coherence. Political Expertise: POLITEX, 18(3), 304–320.



Political institutions, processes and technologies