Modern university education and a new perception of the world


  • Alexander Danilov Belarusian State University



Today, education is experiencing radical changes, and its mission is changing dramatically too. The pandemic has significantly spurred this process, forced to take distance education for granted and transfer many individuals to the virtual space. For a very long time the institute of education has acted as the most conservative field of human activity in the modern society. But the current situation is changing rapidly. It is obvious that the next twenty years will be the era of the most radical changes. And the main source of these changes are the scientific, technological, information and communication revolutions, the epidemiological situation, which, like a tsunami, generate changes and determine the nature and content of a new civilization. In this situation, education acts as a center that fills the ongoing changes with content, becomes a value matrix of a different reality. The issues of stability and development of civilization directly depend on education, and education becomes the foundation of a new civilization. There is an understanding in the world that the old cannot be returned, everything will be different. Modern university education for a networked, post-information society can be created only on the basis of the development of new basic values that form a new perception of the world. However, there is a danger that modern education, adopting new values, will turn into a sphere that only imitates its high quality, prestige and success.


university education, basic values, national culture, new perception of the world


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How to Cite

Danilov, A. (2022). Modern university education and a new perception of the world. Political Expertise: POLITEX, 18(3), 321–330.



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