The article shows that the future is multivariate, the world has become anomalous and entered a period of global instability and unsteadiness and a new model of civilizational development is being formed. The choice of future development takes place in the sphere of culture on the basis of a value conflict, during which the selection of experience worthy of cultural transmission is carried out. Therefore, the very choice of the future civilizational development is not unambiguous. Values create a holistic image of a person’s life world, expressing an attitude towards reality. The filling of existing values with a new content is the result of the rooting of new worldview meanings, which reflect the state of culture as an environment in the depths of which the synthesis of traditional and emerging new civilizational experience is constantly taking place. On this path, strategies that preserve the basic values of the previous type of development compete with innovative aspirations focused on the search for new life meanings and updating the content of values that meet modern realities. New values are born in the depths of the old culture and form the shoots of the future civilization.
value conflict, culture, multivariance of the future, choice of path, new model of civilizational development
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