The article deals with the peculiarities of interpretation of the image of a youth political leader from the point of view of youth. The relevance of the study is a combination of a well-founded overview of the main directions of research of the role of youth participation in the social and political process and the involvement of a specific interregional empirical research conducted in the autumn of 2018, which allows highlighting various aspects of the situation. The empirical part of the research is based on the study “Ideas of Youth about Possibilities of Youth Leaders and Youth Organizations in Russia”, which was conducted in late September and early October 2018 in four constituent entities of the Russian Federation - Altai Krai, Leningrad and Novosibirsk Regions, and St. Petersburg. The method of research was a personal standardized interview with the sample size of 1000 respondents (250 in each of the regions) - the young people aged 14 to 30, the permanent residents of the territory of the studied subjects of the federation. Based on the factor analysis, there are five clusters of attitudes towards political leadership and sufficient fragmentation and ideologically weak differentiation of the leader’s image concluded. The results of the analysis have shown the connection of some characteristics of the respondents (for example, the priority method of obtaining information about politics) and their ideas about the ideal image of a youth political leader. The article is of interest to researchers in the topic of interaction between the real political process and such a significant group of the population, such as young people, both professionally engaged in this topic and simply interested in the status of this socio- demographic group.
political leadership, youth, public opinion, values, attitudes, factor analysis
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