
  • Maria Sayevskaya Lomonosov Moscow State University




The article is devoted to a problem of the political value of zemstvoes and the attitudes towards him in imperious circles in 1864-1905. In article ways of interaction between the power and the territorial public, a search of consensus on the way of expansion of the political rights of zemstvoes and their participation in consideration of questions of nation-wide value are considered. Ways of cooperation and opposition to the power and activists of the territorial movement are shown in the article. From the very beginning of the power sought to control the activity of zemstvoes, the last aspired to the device of the territorial congresses going beyond one provinces and the solution of general political questions. In turn in imperious circles projects of expansion of participation of zemstvoes in the political life of the country were developed. So the project of the Territorial cathedral of the Minister of Internal Affairs counts N. P. Ignatyev became an attempt to find the solution of a question of territorial representation in line with concepts of a combination of a traditional Russian public authority with the autocratic power. The concepts of expansion of participation of the population in policy developed at the emperor Nicholas II also became attempts of the power to reach a compromise between preservation of prerogatives of the autocratic power and involvement of the population to the solution of political affairs. At the same time, if projects of national representation were considered in the closed commissions, then in open speeches of the tsar and his ministers zemstvoes called for that it was limited to the solution of local questions. The authorities' unwillingness to meet the expectations of the zemstvo community, the desire for constant bureaucratic control over the activities of representatives of local self-government led to a conflict between power and society and the radicalization of zemstvo sentiments.


zemstvo, power, local government, N.P.Ignatyev, V.K.Plehve


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How to Cite

Sayevskaya, M. (2022). POWER & ZEMSTVOES. AN ATTITUDE OF THE POWER TOWARDSTHE POLITICAL ACTIVITY OF ZEMSTVOES (1864-1905). Political Expertise: POLITEX, 14(3), 381–391. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu23.2018.304



Political history of Russia