The article gives a critical analysis of the work of D. V. Ovsyannikov “The influence of Islam on the ethnopolitical processes in Abkhazia”, published in no. 1 for 2015 in the journal “Political Examination: POLITEX”. The author’s review of the state of Islam in Abkhazia in historical retrospect is positively assessed. At the same time, it is noted that his conclusions and assessments concerning the situation of Islam in post-Soviet Abkhazia are untrue and based mainly on the isolated facts snatched from the context and biased facts and in some cases - on false or unverified information. Islam is not a decisive factor in the political life of the republic at the same time occupying a certain place on the confessional map of Abkhazia. There are no objective grounds for making any assumptions on a certain threat of the growing influence of Islam, and even more, the radical Islam on socio-political processes in the republic does not exist. The article also criticizes the interpretation of D. V. Ovsyannikov of a number of events in the internal political life of the Republic of Abkhazia.
ethnic identity, confessional factor, political mythology, ethnopolitical conflicts, Abkhazia, Georgian-Abkhaz conflict
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