The article deals with the main trends in the transformation of modern systems of public governance under “New globalization” and the Fourth industrial revolution, which implies the development of blockchain technologies, the transnationalization and internetization of production expressed in the formation of cyber-physical production systems, a radical change in the labour market and the structure of employment in general, the spread of network models of corporate and public governance, as well as the complexity of socio-political communications. All these factors both present serious challenges and provide a wide range of opportunities for the renewal of national public governance systems. The synergetic methodology, which considers systems of different nature in non-equilibrium states, postulates the possibility of qualitative transitions of such systems at a cost of significantly less energy and resources than within the classical paradigm of progressive, linear development. The nature of “New globalization” defines the modern public governmental systems as non-equilibrium and extremely unstable, hence the possibility of making qualitative leaps in their development, provided precise application of the limited resources available to the national states. Such points of application, which can ensure dynamic development and global competitiveness, are the new education and employment policy, an innovative development strategy and the structural transformation of the system of public governance. They are the ones that most contribute to overcoming the key challenges of the new globalization: the devaluation of labor, the sharp decline in jobs, social disunity and fragmentation, the digital divide between different territories and social groups.
globalization, public governance, digital economy, blockchain technologies, digitalization, co-governance, public management, Industry 4.0, fourth industrial revolution
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