
  • Denis Martyanov St. Petersburg State University
  • Natalia Podlesskaia St. Petersburg State University;



The convergence of television and cyberspace is the final stage of traditional media and Internet integration. In connection with this, the social role of television is changing. The culture of consumption of television products is becoming different, and the transformation of the television audience is noticeable. Inevitably the question arises of new functions and a new strategy for the development of television in a post-global information individualized society. The authors consider such aspects of television transformation as a transition from the public sphere type to the filter bubble and echo chamber types. An alternative to traditional television on the Internet is stream- ing services and YouTube, the integration of which into the information space of the post-globalist nation-state remains controversial. Convergence of the Internet and television takes place both in the form of social television and in the form of representation of cyberspace in traditional television formats. Researchers focus on the Russian specifics of convergence of television and the Internet. The study examined the case of the use of Twitter microblogging materials in the TV program Time will tell on the Russian First Channel. An empirical analysis of tweets was made and the main patterns of communication were revealed in the program Time will tell.


bot, troll, social television, echo chamber, public sphere, twitter, public broadcasting, filter bubble, internet governance, Governance


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Author Biographies

Denis Martyanov, St. Petersburg State University

канд. полит. наук, доц.

Natalia Podlesskaia, St. Petersburg State University;



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How to Cite

Martyanov, D., & Podlesskaia, N. (2020). CONVERGENCE OF TELEVISION AND THE INTERNET IN RUSSIA: POLITICAL ASPECT. Political Expertise: POLITEX, 16(1), 58–77.



Political Institutions and processes