
  • Galina Pushkareva Lomonosov Moscow State University



Every person has his system of ideas about politics, which in this paper is defined the concept of “political picture”. The political picture, constructed by the individual’s consciousness, is perceived by the individual himself as an adequate reflection of objective political reality, as a givennessy, on which he orientates himself in the choice of models of behavior. An appeal to this category allows us to disclose the significance of psychological mechanisms mediating the connection of an individual with a world of objective political phenomena and processes. The political picture is described as a complex cognitive education consisting of images of specific political actors, generalized images accumulating knowledge of political statuses and roles, scenarios that form representations of the normative order, and concepts (mythologemes, ideologems, scientific theories) that help an individual to explain the world of politics using his accessible ways. The article substantiates the thesis that the ideas and values contained in the individual’s conceptual knowledge of politics fulfill the system-forming function in relation to other cognitive structures, creating the effect of the subjective integrity of the political picture.


political picture, political perception, political images, political ideas, political values, mythologems, ideologems


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How to Cite

Pushkareva, G. (2022). IDEAS & VALUES IN THE POLITICAL PICTURE OF THE MODERN MAN. Political Expertise: POLITEX, 14(3), 392–409.



Political processes and technologies