Mediatization of communications as a factor of transformation of value orientations of Russian youth: Trends and risks (part 1)


  • Andrei Aleinikov St Petersburg State University
  • Daria Maltseva St Petersburg State University
  • Polina Tuzova St Petersburg State University



The purpose of the presented research was to identify the basic value characteristics and potentially conflicting contradictions as a result of the influence of the rapid spread of new media on the audience of modern Russian youth. The first part of the article problematizes the search for theoretical grounds for studying the virtual projection of politics, the methodological background of research on the specifics of the phenomenon of the mediatization of politics. Considering the mediatization effects in the riskological projection, the authors pay special attention to the value attitudes of perception of information about threats, the ideological dominants of the features of political reactions of various social strata. This research aims to contribute to the Russian academic discourse on the specifics of youth media activism, models and practices of its media consumption, new forms and parameters of communication, "digital aborigines". It is concluded that in the conditions of media conflicts, the system of "traditional" values is being desacrated, the struggle of real political interests and parallel/alternative political agendas is taking place, which affects the value political activity of young people and the processes of their self-identification. In the course of the analysis, a fundamentally new knowledge was obtained, based on a holistic vision of the cultural and historical reality of the formation of a "digital society" in Russia, about the axiological features of the modern Russian social order, including a complexly structured set of moral values of youth, the dominant discourses of the value system and ways of alternative vision of the political situation and images of threats and conflicts. The paper examines the "conflict of selection of social problems" in the media communication youth space, algorithms and mechanisms of the clash of beliefs on digital platforms, analyzes media conflicts about the political past and present. In this regard, the article develops a model for measuring and preventing the risks of political and axiological transformations among Russian youth based on the development of complementary methods of their assessment for the construction and implementation of effective state strategies in terms of their change and improvement.


values, youth, new media, social networks, risks


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How to Cite

Aleinikov, A., Maltseva, D., & Tuzova, P. (2022). Mediatization of communications as a factor of transformation of value orientations of Russian youth: Trends and risks (part 1). Political Expertise: POLITEX, 18(3), 288–303.



Political institutions, processes and technologies